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The Talking Will

Making Your Final Wishes HEARD

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The Talking Will is revolutionizing the way people create their last will and testament:

Our cutting-edge platform offers a convenient and personal way to ensure that your final wishes are carried out exactly as you intended.

With our platform, you will be able to record your will in the comfort of your own home, and have it immediately filed with the necessary authorities.

​This eliminates the need for expensive lawyers and lengthy in-person appointments.

We believe that everyone should have access to this important service, and we are here to make that happen.

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Making Your Final Wishes HEARD

Creating a will can be a daunting task, but at The Talking Will, we make it easy and ​personal. Our platform simplifies the process by allowing you to have a video ​interview with one of our estate planning experts who will guide you through the ​process and ensure that your final wishes are captured accurately.

Our state-specific estate documents are then drafted and filed with the proper ​authorities, giving you peace of mind that your will is legally binding.

​​With The Talking Will, you not only receive a certified copy of your will but also a ​video recording of your interview, providing an extra level of security and ​accessibility.

We understand that traditional will-making can be stressful and expensive, which is ​why we strive to make the process convenient, affordable and personalized for you.


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Last Will and Testament

Say goodbye to the hassle and ​expense of traditional will-​making and hello to peace of ​mind with

The Talking Will.

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At The Talking Will, we believe that creating a will should be a straightforward and ​stress-free process. Our innovative platform offers an easy and personal way to ​ensure that your final wishes are carried out exactly as you intended.

Say goodbye to the hassle and expense of traditional will-making and hello to peace of ​mind with

The Talking Will.

Our platform allows you to conduct a video interview with one of our estate ​planning experts, who will guide you through the process and ensure that your final ​wishes are captured accurately. Our state-specific estate documents are then drafted ​and filed with the proper authorities, providing you with a legally binding will. You ​will also receive a certified copy of your will, as well as a video recording of your ​interview, for extra security and accessibility.

At The Talking Will, we pride ourselves on providing exceptional customer service. ​Our team is available to answer any questions you may have and assist you in any ​way we can. Don't let the traditional will-making process hold you back from ​ensuring that your final wishes are carried out exactly as you intended.

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Free Resources

Welcome to the Free Forms section of theTALKINGwill.com! We understand ​that estate planning can be a daunting task, but it's an important step in ensuring ​that your final wishes are carried out exactly as you intended. That's why we ​have made it easy for you by providing a variety of free, customizable forms that ​can help you plan for your future and protect your loved ones. Whether you are ​looking for a last will and testament, a living will, or any other estate planning ​form, you can find it here.

Our forms are designed to be user-friendly and easy to understand, so you can ​complete them in the comfort of your own home.

If you have any questions or need assistance completing the forms, please do not ​hesitate to contact us. Our team of estate planning experts are here to help you ​every step of the way. Browse through our selection of forms and download the ​ones that are right for you. You can trust that the forms provided here are ​legally binding, and meets the requirement of the state you reside. We are here to ​help you make sure that your final wishes are respected and your loved ones are ​taken care of.

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estate planning text on notepad

Estate Planning Checklist

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Living Will

Living Will Advance Directive

This Is a Comprehensive List of Our Assets. Shot of Two Business

Current Assets List

Form 1099-MISC

National Polst Form

Revocable Living Trust documents with family pictures.

Revocable Living Trust

Medical Power of Attorney

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Get In Touch

We’re happy to hear from you! Contact us today and speak with one of our customer service representatives — and make your experience with us that much more pleasant!

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